Abadejo (pez) = Pollack , Cod (fish)
Abadejo eglefino (pez) = Haddock  (fish)
Abastecedor = Caterer
Abeto = Fir-tree
Ablandar = to Soften
Abrebotellas = Bottle Opener
Abrelatas = Can Opener
Abrillantar = to Burnish
Absorber = to  Absorb
Abundancia = Galore
Abundante = Bountiful
Acabado = Doneness
Acaramelar = to Coat (to cover) in caramel
Acedera = Sorrel
Aceitar = to Oil
Aceite = Oil
Aceite de Colza = Rapeseedoil
Aceite de Girasol = Sunflower oil
Aceite de hígado de Bacalao = Cod-liver oill
Aceite de Maíz = Corn oil
Aceite de Oliva = Olive oil
Aceite de Ricino = Castor oil
Aceite de rosas = Attar
Aceituna = Olive
Aceituna rellena = Stuffed Olive
Acelga = Chard, Swiss Chard
Achicharrar = to Burn
Achicoria = Chicory
Acida = Sour, acid
Acimo = Unleavened
Acompañamiento (plato de) = Side dish, , Accompaniment
Acompañamiento decorativo comestible = Garnish
Acre = Pungend, Acrid
Acuoso = Aqueous
Adelgazar = to Thin
Aderezar = to Season
Aderezo = Dressing, Seasoning
Aderezo ácido = Vinaigrette
Aditivo = Additive
Adobar = to Marinate
Adobo ácido = Marinade
Adornar = to Garnish, to Decorate
Adulterar = to Adulterate
Advertencia = Caveat
Afilador = Knife Sharpener
Afilar = to Sharpen
Afrecho = Bran
Afrodisíaco = Aphrodisiac
A Fuego lento = to Simmer
Agallas (de pez) = Gills
Agallas (de animal) = Guts
Agitar = to Stir, to Toss, to Churn
Agradable = Pleasant
Agridulce = Sweet and sour, Bittersweet
Agrio = Sour, tart, acid
Agua = Water
Agua de la red = Tap Water
Agua Potable = Drinking Water
Agua salada = Brackish Water
Aguacate = Avocado
Aguardiente = Brandy
Aguaturma = Jerusalem Artichoke
Aguaviva = Jellyfish
Aguja (carne) = Chuk (meat)
Agujerear = to Pierce
Ahogar = to Smother
Ahumado = Smoked
Ajedrea (especia) = Savory (spice)
Ajenjo = Wormwood, Absinthe
Ají = Red pepper, Chilli
Ajíes verdes = Green Peppers
Ajilimoje = Garlic and Pepper Sauce
Ají picante = Red pepper
Ajipuerro = Wild leek
Ajo = Garlic
Ajo (diente de) = Garlic clove
Ajoaceite = Garlic Mayonnaise
Ajoarriero = dish prepared with cod fish,olive oil,garlic and eggs.
Ajonjoli (sésamo) = Sesame
Ajos confitados = Candied garlic
Al Ajillo = Fried with garlic
Ala (de ave) = Wing (of fowl)
Alacena = Kitchen Cupboard
Alambique = Still
Alamo = Aspen
Albahaca (especia) = Basil (spice)
Albaricoque = Apricot
Albóndiga = Meatball, patty
Albúmina = Albumin
Alcachofa = Artichoke
Alcaparras = Capers
Alcaravea (especia) = Caraway seeds (spice)
Alcaucil = Artichoke
Aleta (de pescado) = Fin (fish), Flipper
Alga = Seaweed
Algarrobo = Carob
Algo = a Trifle
Algodon = Cotton
Alhucema = Lavender
Alimentar = to Feed, to Nourish
Alimento = Food
Aliñar = to Dress (for salads)
Aliñar = to Season, to Flavor
Aliño = Dressing
Aliño para Ensaladas = Salad Dressing
Almacen = Warehouse, Grocery, Mark, Storeroom, Store
Almejas = Clams
Almendrado = Macaroon
Almendras = Almonds
Almíbar = Syrup
Almidón de maíz o papa = (see Maizena)
Almidón = Starch
Almidón de maíz = Corn Starch
Almorzar = to have Lunch
Almuerzo = Lunch
Almuerzo de 3 platos = 3 course Lunch
Alpiste = Bird Seed
Alubia = Bean,  Haricot
Al Vapor = Steamed
Amapola = Poppy
Amargo = Bitter
Amasar = to Knead
Ambar = Amber
Aminoacido = Aminoacid
Ampolla = Blister
Ánade = Duck
Ananás = Pineapple
Ancas (de rana) = Frog’s legs
Anchoa (pez) = Anchovy (fish)
Anguila (pez) = Eel (fish)
Anguila (de mar) =  Conger Eel
Anodino = Anodyne
Anís (especia) = Anise (spice)
Anis estrellado = Star anise
Anticongelante = Antifreeze
Añal (cordero de un año) = Yearling
Añejo = Mellow
Aparte = Aside
Aperitivo = Appetizer, Aperitif
Apetecible = Toothsome
Apetito = Appetite
Apetitoso = Mouthwatering
Apetitoso = Appetizing, Savory
Apicultor = Beekeeper
Apio = Celery
Aplastado = Crushed, Smashed
Apretado = Tight
Apretar = to Squeeze
A punto = Just right
Arándano = Bilberry, Blueberry, Cranberry
Arándanos, pasas de = Craisins
Arce  = Maple Tree
Arenilla = Grit
Arenoso = Gritty, Sandy
Arenque (pez) = Herring (fish)
Arenque ahumado = Kipper
Aroma = Flavor, Scent
Aromático = Flavorful
Aromatizante = Flavoring
Arrastrar = to Drag
Arreglar (poner orden) = to Arrange
Arrollado = Swiss roll
Arroz = Rice
Arruinar = to Spoil
Arvejas = Peas, Sweet Peas
Asa = Handle
Asadera = Roasting Pan
Asado (plancha de) = Plate
Asado con vacío ( carne) = Plateflank (meat)
Asado de tira = Short Ribs
Asado (parrillada) = Barbeque
Asador (instrumento) = Spit
Asar = to Roast, to Grill
Asar a la parrilla = to Broil, Charbroil
Asqueroso = Yucky, Disgusting
Astillarse = to Splinter
Astringent = Astringente
Atado = Bunch, Bundle
Atractivo = Allure
Atún (pez) = Tuna, Tunny (fish)
Avellanas = Hazelnuts
Avena = Oats
Avena, copos de = Porridge
Avena, gachas de = Porridge
Ave de corral = Fowl, Poultry
Aves = Poultry
Avestruz = Ostrich
Ayunar = to Fast
Azafrán (especia) = Saffron (spice), Crocus
Azahar = Orange Blossom
Ázimo = Unleavend
Azúcar = Sugar
Azúcar candé = Sugar Candy
Azúcar de caña = Cane Sugar
Azúcar Impalpable = Confectioner’s Sugar
Azúcar moreno = Brown Sugar
Azúcar quemada = Caramel
Azúcar superfino = Caster Sugar
Azucarera = Sugar  Bowl

Bacalao (pez) = Cod (fish)
Bagre (pez)) = Catfish (fish)
Balanza = Balance
Bandeja = Tray
Banquete = Banquet, Feast
Bañado con azúcar = Candied
Bañar = to Baste
Baño maría = Bain-marie
Barquillo = Wafer
Barra = Loaf
Barril = Cask
Base de salsa = Roux
Batata = Yam, sweet Potato
Batido = Batter(s), Whipped, Milk Shake
Batidor = Blender, Beater, Whisk
Batidor de Alambre = Wire Whisk
Batidor de Huevos = Egg Whisk
Batir = to Whisk, to Beat, to Churn
Baya = Berry
Baya de Enebro (especia) = Juniper Berry (spice)
Bazo (de vaca) = Spleen
Bazofia = Muck
Beber = to Drink
Beber a Sorbos = to Sup
Bebida = Drink, Beverage
Bebida Alcohólica = Liquor
Becerro = Calf (calv)
Bellota = Acorn
Berberecho = Cockle( molusc)
Berenjena = Eggplant, Aubergine
Bergamota = Bergamot
Berro = Watercress
Berza = Cabbage
Bicarbonato de sodio = Baking Soda
Bien asado = well done
Bife = Chop, Fillet
Bife = Steak, Beefsteak
Bife a la plancha = Grilled Steak
Bife ancho = Fore rib, roll
Bife angosto = Short loin, Strip loin
Bife de Cordero = Lamb Chop
Bife de costilla (c/lomo) = T-bone Steak
Bife de Lomo = Tenderloin
Bife de Lomo  de  ternera = Sirloin Steak
Bife de Nalga = Rump Steak
Bife de Ternera = Baby Beef
Bife de Vacío (carne) = Flank Steak
Bilis = Bile, Gall
Bistec = Steak
Bizcocho = Sponge
Bizcochuelo = Sponge Cake
Bizcochuelo de capas = Trifle
Blando = Soft, Mushy, Floppy, Bland
Blanquear = to Blanch
Bocado = a Bit , Swallow
Bodega = Cave, Winery, Wine Cellar
Bofe (pulmón de animal) = Lungs (of animal)
Bogavante = Lobster
Bol = Bowl
Bola de Helado = Scoop of Ice Cream
Bola de lomo = Knuckle, Round (meat)
Bolas = Balls
Bollito de almendra = Macaroon
Bollo = Bun, Roll
Bombilla = Tube (for mate)
Boniato = Sweet Potato
Bolsa = Bag
Bombon = Chocolate, goody
Boniato = Sweet Potato
Boquilla = Nozzle
Borbotear = to Bubble
Borgoña = Burgundy
Borra = Fluff
Borrego = Lamb
Botella = Bottle
Bourbon = Bourbon
Bovino = Bovine
Bramante = String, Cord
Brasas = Embers
Brazuelo (carne) = Shin (meat)
Brebaje = Potion, Brew, Concotion
Brecha = Gap
Breva = Early Fig
Brindar = to Toast
Brindis = Toast
Brioche = Brioche
Brocoli = Broccoli
Brochete = Skewer, Kebab
Brote = Bud
Brote de helecho = Fiddlehead
Brotes = Sprouts
Budín = Pudding
Buey = Steer, Bullock
Bufet = Buffet
Bulbo = Bulb
Buñuelos = Fritters, Doughnuts
Burbuja = Bubble
Burbujeante = Fizzy
Burdeos = Bordeaux
Butifarra = Pork Sausage

Caballa (pez) = Mackerel (fish)
Caballo = Horse
Cabeza = Head
Cabeza, parte superior = Crown
Cabra = Goat
Cabrito = Kid (Goat)
Caca = Pooh
Cacahuete = Peanut
Cacao = Cocoa
Cacerola (recipiente) = Casserole, Saucepan, Pot
Cadera = Hip
Café = Coffee
Cafetera = Coffepot
Caimán = Alligator
Cajú, nueces de = Cashew Nuts
Calabacita = Acorn Squash
Calabaza (zapallo) = Squash,  Pumpkin,  Gourd
Calamar = Squid, Cuttlefish
Calcinar = to Calcine, to Burn, to Char
Caldera = Boiler
Caldero = Cauldron
Caldo = Broth, Stock, Consomme
Caléndula = Marigold
Calentar sin hervir = to Simmer
Cálido = Warm
Caliente = Warm, Hot
Callos = Tripe
Calomel = Calomel
Camarero = Waiter
Camarones = Shrimps, Prawns(small)
Canapé = Canape
Canasta = Basket
Canela (especia) = Cinnamon
Canelones = Cannelloni
Canilla de agua = Spigot, Fauset
Cangrejo de Mar = Crab
Cangrejo de Río = Crayfish
Cántaro = Pitcher
Cantina = Canteen, Buffet
Caña = Cane
Caparazón = Shell
Capón = Capon
Capullo = Bud
Caqui = Persimmon,  Kaki
Caracol (de tierra) = Snail
Caracol (de mar) = Winkle
Caracú = Bone Marrow
Caramelizar = to Caramelize
Caramelo = Candy, Caramel, Sweetie, Toffee, Bonbon
Caramelo hilado = Spun sugar
Carbonizado = Charred
Carcasa = Carcass
Cardamomo (especia) = Cardamom (spice)
Cardo = Thisle
Cardúmen(de peces) = Shoal
Carnada = Bait
Carnaza (de vaca) = Clod (meat)
Carne (para comer) = Meat
Carnes (platos de.) = Meat dishes
Carne asada = Roasted Meat
Carne cruda = Raw Flesh
Carne de animal o fruto = Flesh
Carne de cerdo = Pork
Carne de ciervo = Venison
Carne de cordero = Lamb
Carne de oveja = Mutton
Carne de ternera = Veal
Carne de vaca = Beef
Carne picada = Mince, mince Meat, ground Meat
Carne cruda = Raw Flesh
Carnero (animal) = Ram
Carnero (carne de) = Mutton
Carnes (platos de ) = Meat Dishes
Carnicería =  Butcher’s Shop
Carnicero = Butcher
Carnoso = Meaty, Fleshy
Carozo = Pit, Stone
Carpa (pez) = Carp (fish)
Carpa dorada  (pez) = Goldfish (fish)
Carré  de  Cerdo = Rack  of Pork
Carré  de  Cordero = Rack  of  Lamb
Carta de Comidas ( menú) = Menu
Carta de Vinos = Wine list
Cartílago = Grisle, Cartilage
Cascanueces = Nut Cracker
Cáscara = Shell, Peel
Cáscara de huevo = Egg Shell
Caseína = Casein
Casero = Home made
Casis = Blackcurrant bush, Cassis
Castaña = Chesnut
Castaña de agua = Water Chesnut
Castaña de Cajú = Cashew nut
Catar = to Taste
Catinga = Foul Smell
Cava = Wine cellar
Caviar = Caviar
Cayena ,pimienta de (especia) = Cayenne (spice)
Cazuela (recipiente) = Casserole, Saucepan
Cazuela (de comida) = Casserole, Stew
Cebada = Barley
Cebolla = Onion
Cebolla de verdeo = Spring Onion
Cebollín = Chives
Cedazo = Sieve
Celofan = Cellophane
Cena = Dinner, Supper
Cena de 4 platos = 4 course Dinner
Cena tardía = Supper
Centeno = Rye
Centígrado = Celsius
Centolla = Spider Crab
Cepa = Variety
Cera = Wax
Cera de abeja = Beewax
Cerafolio = Chervil
Cerdito = Piglet
Cerdo (carne) = Pork
Cerdo (macho y hembra) =Hog,  Pig (male), Sow (female)
Cereal = Cereal
Cerebro = Brain
Cerezas = Cherries
Cerveza = Beer
Ceniza = Ash
Cernir = to Sift, to Sieve
Cerveza Inglesa = Ale
Cesta = Basket
Ceviche = Marinated raw Fish
Chacra = Farm
Chaira = Sharpening Steel
Champaña = Champagne
Champignon = Mushroom
Chamuscar = to Sear, to Scorch, to Singe
Chancho = Pig, Swine
Chancho (carne de) = Pork
Chantillí, crema = Whipped cream
Charqui = Jerky
Chato = Shallow
Chauchas = Green or french Beans
Chauchas = String, Snap or runner Beans
Chicharrón = Crackling
Chicle = Chewing Gum
Chicle tipo Bazuca = Bubble Gum
Chile (pimiento) = Chili Pepper
Chilindrón = Sauce (tom.,pepper,onion)
Chimichurri = Hot Sauce
Chinchulines = Thin Bowels
Chip = Brioche
Chipirón = Baby Squid
Chirimoya = Custard Apple
Chirivía = Parsnip
Choclo = Corn cob, ear corn, sweet corn
Chocolatin = Chocolate bar
Chop = Mug of Beer
Chorear = to Spout
Chorizo = Cured Pork Sausage
Chorro de líquido = Squirt
Choto (ternero) = Sucking Calf
Choto (cabrito) = young Goat
Chucrut = Sauer Kraut
Chuleta = Chop, Cutlet
Chuleta de Cerdo = Pork Chop
Chupar = to Suck
Chupe = Stew
Chupetin = Lollipop
Churrasco asado a las brasas = Barbecued meat or steak
Churrasco de nalga = Rump Steak
Churro = Fritter, Cruller
Ciervo = Deer, Venison, Buck, Stag
Cigala  (custáceo) = Cigala lobster, Crayfish (crustacean)
Cigala = Scami, Bay Prawn
Cilantro (especia) = Coriander (spice)
Ciruela = Plum
Ciruela seca = Prune
Cisne = Swan
Cítricos = Citrus fruits
Clara de huevo = Egg white
Claro = Pale
Clavo de olor (especia) = Clove (spice)
Coágulo = Clot
Coagulado = Clotted
Cobertura de torta = Icing
Cobertura de chocolate y crema chantilly = Ganache
Cocción = Cooking, Baking
Cocer = to Cook, to Boil, to Bake
Cochinillo = Suckling Pig
Cochino = Swine, Pig (female: Sow)
Cocido = Stew
Cocina (artefacto) = Stove, Caboose, Range
Cocina (gastronomía) = Cuisine
Cocina (lugar) = Kitchen
Cocinado excesivamente = Overdone, Overcoocked
Cocinar = to Cook
Cocinar al vapor = to Steam
Cocinero = Cook
Coco = Coconut
Coctel = Cocktail
Coctelera = Cocktail Shaker
Codillo de cerdo = Pork Knuckle
Codorniz = Quail
Cogollo = Heart, Shoot
Cogote = Neck
Col = Cabbage
Cola = Tail
Colación = Snack
Colador = Colander, Strainer, Sieve
Colágeno = Collagen
Colar = to Strain
Coliflor = Cauliflower
Colinabos = Swedes
Colita de cuadril = Tail of Rump
Colmado = Heaped
Colmena = Hive
Comedor = Dining Room
Comer = to Eat
Comestible = Edible
Comida = Meal, Food, Lunch, Dinner
Comino (especia) = Cumin, Kummel (spice)
Compactar = to Jostle, to Compress.
Completamente = Thoroughly
Compota = Compote
to Compress = Compactar
Concentrado = Concentrate, Extract
Concha ( de molusco) = Shell
Condimentar = to Season, to Flavor
Condimento = Relish, Dressing, Condiment
Condimento = Flavoring, Seasoning
Conejo = Rabbit (fem. : Doe), Buck
Confitado = Glacé, Candied
Confitar = to Glace
Confite = Candy
Congelado = Frozen
Cogelador = Freezer
Congelar = to Freeze
Congrio (pez) = Conger (fish), Eel
Cono = Cone
Consejo = Tip, Advice
Conserva = Preserves, Canned food
Conserva Frutal  agridulce y picante = Chutney
Conservar = to Preserve
Consomé = Consommé
Contaminar = to Pollute
Coñac = Brandy, Cognac
Copa  grande = Goblet
Copa de vino = Wine Glass
Copa de vino blanco = white Wine Glass
Copa de vino dulce = Sherry Glass
Copa de vino tinto = red Wine Glass
Copos de Avena = rolled Oats
Copos (de cereales,etc.) = Flakes
Corazón (de vaca) = Heart
Corazón (meollo) = Core
Corcho = Cork
Cordel = Twine
Cordero = Lamb
Cordero, Pata de = Leg of Lamb
Coriandro (especia) = Coriander
Cornalitos (pez) = Whitebait (fish)
Corral  ( de aves) = Run
Corral (de cerdos, ovejas) = Pen,  Coop,  Cattle Yard
Cortado en cubitos = Cubed
Cortado en juliana = Julienned
Cortado en rodajas = Sliced
Cortados = Snipped
Cortahuevos = Egg slicer
Cortapastas = Pastry cutter
Cortar = to Slice, to cut
Cortar en dados = to Dice
Cortar en rodajas = to Slice
Cortar los vegetales = to Slit
Cortarse (la leche,etc.) = to Curdle
Corte = Slit
Corteza = Rind, Crust, Bark
Corvina (pez) = Corvina (fish), Meagre
Cosecha = Harvest, Crop, Vintage
Cosechar = to Reap
Costilla = Cutlet
Costillar = Ribs, Rib cage
Costillas de cerdo = Spear Ribs
Costillas de vaca = Short Ribs
Crema = Cream, sour Cream
Crema Chantilly = Whipping cream
Crema Pastelera = Cofectioner’s Custard
Crêpes = Pancacke, Crepe, Hotcake
Criadilla = Testicle of animal
Criba = Sieve
Crocante = Brittle, Crunchy
Crocante de almendras = Almond brittle
Croqueta = Cutlet, Croquette
Crudo = Raw, Rear, Rare, Uncooked
Crujiente = Crisp, Crispy, Crunchy
Crustáceo = Crustacean
Cuadrada (de vaca) = Flat (meat)
Cuadril (de vaca) = Rump (meat)
Cuajada = Curd
Cuajada ( de leche de camello) = Kefir
Cuajada ( de leche de oveja) = Yogurt
Cuajada ( de leche de yegua) = Kumis
Cuajar = to Curdle
Cuajo = Rennet
Cuarto trasero (carne) = Rump (meat)
Cubeteado = Cubed
Cubierto = Place setting (for one person)
Cubierto de ensalada = Salat Server
Cubiertos = Cutlery
Cubrir = to Smother
Cuchara = Spoon, Tablespoon
Cuchara de Servir = Tablespoon
Cuchara sopera = Soup Spoon
Cucharada = Dollop, Scoop, Spoonful
Cucharita de postre = Dessert Spoon
Cucharita de té = Teaspoon ,(tsp)
Cucharón = Dipper, Ladle
Cuchilla = Big knife,  Blade
Cuchillo = Knife
Cuchillo de carnicero = Chopper
Cuchillo de cocina (grande) = Case Knife, Kitchen Knife
Cuchillo de pelar = Pring Knife
Cuchillo de pescado = Fish Knife, Fish  Slice
Cuchillo para trinchar = Carving Knife
Cucurucho = Wafer, Cone, Cornet
Cuerda = String
Cuerno = Horn
Cuero = Leather
Cultivar = to Farm, to Cultivate, to Grow
Cúrcuma (especia) = Turmeric ( spice )
Curry (especia) = Curry (spice)
Cuscús = Couscous
Cutícula = Cuticle

Damajuana = Demijohn
Damasco = Apricot
Dar vuelta = to Turn over
Dátil = Date
Dátil de mar = Date shell, Date mussel
Decantar = to Pour off, to Decant
Decorar = to Garnish
Deglutir = to Swallow
De lado = Aside
Delantal = Apron
Delgado = Thin, Slim
Delicioso = Delicious, Scrumptious
Denso = Dense, Thick
Derramar = to Spill, to Slash,to Pour
Derretir = to Melt, to Thaw
Desayuno = Breakfast
Desayuno tardío = Brunch
Descarozados = Pitted, Seeded
Descascarados = Shelled
Descongelar = to Thaw, to Defrost
Descremar =to Skim
Desecado = Dried
Desespinado = Boned, deboned
Desespinar = to Bone
Desespumar = to Skim
Deshidratar = to Dehydrate
Deshuesado = Boned, Boneless
Deshuesar = to Bone
Desleir = to Dilute, to Thin
Deslizar = to Slide in
Desmenuzar = to Crumble, to Flake
Desnatar = to Skim
Desollar = to Skin, to Flay
Despechugar = to Cut the Breast off
Despedazado = Flaked
Despellejar = to Skin, to Flay
Despensa = Pantry, Storeroom, Larder
Despiezar = to Quarter, to Cut up
Desplumar = to Pluck
Destacar = Standout
Destripado = Gutted
Destripar = to Gut (fish)
Destripar = to Disembowel (animal)
Devorar = to Rave
Diagonal = Bias
Diente = Tooth
Diente de ajo = Garlic Clove
Diente de tenedor = Prong
Digerir = to Digest
Digerible = Digestible
Diluir = to Dilute, to Thin
Disolver = to Dissolve
Doblar = to Tuck, to Fold
Dorada (pez) = Gilthead Bream (fish)
Dorar = to Brown
Dorar al horno = to Gratin
Dulce (sabor) = Sweet (flavor)
Dulce (mermelada,etc.) = Preserves, Jam
Dulce de Azúcar, Manteca y Leche = Fudge
Dulces = Confectionery
Durazno = Peach
Duro = Hard, Stif, Tough

Ebullicion = Boiling
Echalotes = Scallions, shallot
Echar (volcar) = to Pour
Echar de a cucharadas = to Scoop on
Echar en forma de chorro = to Stream
Edulcorante = Sweetener
Efervescente = Fizzy
Electrodoméstico = Appliance (electrical)
Embeber = to Soak up
Embotellado = Bottled
Embridar = to Bridle
Embudo = Funnel
Embutido = Cold Cut, Cold Meat  prossesed, Sausage Stuff
Embutir = to Stuff
Empalagoso = Cloying
Empanada = Empanada, Pasty, Pie
Empanar = to Coat in Breadcrumbs
Empanar = to Bake in Pastry
Empapar = to Soak
Empapado = Soggy
Emparedado = Sandwich
Empastar = to Cream
Emperador (pez) = Swordfish (fish)
Empollar = to Hatch
Empujar = to Jostle, to Push
Emulsionar = to Emulsify
Encanto = Allure
Encogerse = to Shrivel
Encurtido = Pickle
Encurtir = to Pickle
Encargar = to Order
Endibia = Endive
Endulzante = Sweetener
Enebro (especia) = Juniper (spice)
Enebro, baya de (especia) = Juniper Berry (spice)
Eneldo (especia) = Dill (spice)
Enfriar = to Chill
Engrasadas = Greased
Engrasar = to Grease, to Oil
En grano = Wholegrain
Engullir = to Gobble
Enharinar = to Sprinkle w/flour, to Dredge
Enjuagar = to Rinse
Enlatado = Canned, Jarred
Enmantecar = to Smear with Butter
Enólogo = wine Expert
Enristrar = to String together
Ensaladas = Salads
Ensaladera = Salad Bowl
Ensartas = to Skewer
Entornado = Ajar
Entrada (comida) = Starter, Entrée
Entraña (de vaca) = Skirt (meat)
Entrañas = Guts
Entreabierto = Ajar
Entrecote = Entrecôte
Entremés = Hors d’oeuvre
Entusiasmarse = to Rave
Envasado al Vacío = Vacuum-Packed
Envasar = to Pack
Envolver = to Wrap
Enzima = Enzyme
Escabeche = Marinade
Escabechar = to Pickle
Escaldar = to Scald
Escalfar = to Poach
Escama = Scale
Escamar = to Scale
Escanciar = to Pour, to Serve
Escarchar = to Crystallize
Escarbadientes = Toothpick
Escarola = Curly Endive, Escarole
Escudilla = Bowl
Escurreplatos = Dishrack
Escurrir = to Drain, to Strain, to Wring
Esencia = Essence
Espadarte (pez) = Swordfish (fish)
Espaguetis = Spaghetti
Esparcir = to Scatter
Espárragos = Asparagus
Espátula = Spatula
Especia = Spice
Especiado = Spicy
Especie = Species
Especiero = Spice rack
Esperma de pescado = Milt
Espesar = to Thicken
Espeso = Stiff, Thick
Espetar = to Skewer
Espeto = Skewer
Espetón = Spit
Espiga = Ear
Espina =Fish  Bone, Spine
Espinaca = Spinach
Espinazo = Backbone, Spine
Espliego = Lavender
Espolvorear = to Sprinkle, to Dredge, to Dust
Esponjoso = Fluffy, Light, Spongy
Espuma = Foam, Scum
Espumadera = Skimmer, Slotted Spoon
Espumar = to Skim
Espumoso = Fizzy
Estacional = Seasonal
Estante = Rack, Shelf
Estaño = Tin
Estirar = to Stretch
Estofado = Stew, Hotpot
Estofar = to Stew
Estómago de ave = Gizzard
Estragón (especia) = Tarragon (spice)
Estropear = to Spoil, to Ruin
Estufa = Stove
Esturión (pez) = Sturgeon (fish)
Evaporar = to Evaporate, to Vaporize
Exprés (café) = Expresso
Exprimidos = Pressed
Exprimir = to Wring, to Squeeze
Exquisitez = Delicacy
Extracto = Extract
Extraer = to Extract

Fábrica = Factory
Fábrica de Conservas = Cannery
Fabuloso = Awesome
Facturas = Pastries
Faisán = Pheasant
Falda (carne) = Navel (meat), Flank of Beef
Fécula = Starch
Fémur = Thighbone
Feria = Fairground
Feria a cielo abierto = Open Market
Fermentación = Fermentation
Festín = Feast
Feta = Fine
Fiambre = Cold Meat, cold Cut
Fiambre de Carne,prensado y enlatado = Corned Beef
Fibra = Fiber
Fideos = Noodles, Pasta
Filete (de pescado o carne) = Fillet, Steak
Film transparente = Clingfilm
Filo (del cuchillo) = Edge
Filtro = Filter
Fino = Fine
Firme = Tight
Flambeado = Flambé
Flan = Custard, Creme Caramel
Flan = Terrine, Egg Custard
Flanera = Mould (U.S.:mold)
Flojo = Floppy
Flor = Flower
Follaje = Frond
Fonda = Boarding House
Fondue = Fondue
Forrar = to Line
Fragante = Fragrant
Frágil = Brittle
Fragmento = Fragment
Frambueza = Raspberry
Freidor = Deep Fryer
Freir = to Fry
Freir en mucho aceite = to Deep Fry
Freir rápidamente = to Sear
Fresa = Strawberry
Fresco = Fresh, cold, Cool
Frío = Cold
Fritura = Fried dish
Fritura con agitación simultánea = Stir-fry
Fruta = Fruit
Fruta Cítrica = Citrus
Frutas Secas = Dried Fruits
Frutos Carnosos = Fleshy Fruits
Frutilla = Strawberry
Fuente = Pan, Dish, Platter
Fuente de horno = Baking Sheet
Fumet = Thick Broth
Fundido = Molten
Fundir = to Melt

Gajo = Segment
Gachas de Avena = Porridge
Galleta = Biscuit
Galleta de Manteca = Shortbread
Galleta Salada = Cracker
Galletita = Biscuit, Cookie
Galletita de agua = Cracker
Galletita salada = Cracker, Cream Cracker
Gallina = Hen
Gallinero = Roost, Hen house
Gallo = Rooster, Cock
Gambas = Shrimps, prawns (small sice)
Gambas rebozadas = Scampi
Gamo = Buck
Ganado = Cattle, Livestock
Ganso (macho) = Goose(female), (male: Gander)
Garbanzos = Chickpeas
Garrapiñar = to Candy
Garron (carne) = Shank (meat)
Gaseosa = Pop, Soda
Gelatina = Jello, Jelly, Aspic, Gelatine
Germen de trigo = Wheat Germ
Ginebra = Gin
Ginebra holandesa = Schnaps
Girasol = Sunflower
Glaseado = Icing
Glacear = to Glaze
Glotonería = Greed
Glucosa = Glucose
Glutamato = Glutamate
Gluten = Gluten
Golosina = Candy , Goody
Goloso = Tooth, Sweet tooth
Gomoso = Chewy
Gordo = Fat Man
Gordura = Fatness
Gouda = Dutch Cheese
Gourmet = Gourmet
Gota = Drop
Gotita = Droplet
Grado = Degree
Granada = Pomegranate, Grenade
Granero = Barn, Granary
Granja Avícola = Poultry Farm
Granos = Grains
Grasa = Fat, Fatness
Grasa de cerdo = Lard
Grasa hidrogenada = Shortening
Gratinado = Au gratin
Gratinar = to Gratin, to Cook au Gratin
Grelo = Turnip Leaf
Gres = Stoneware
Grifo = Fauset
Grisines = Grisini
Grosella = Currant
Grueso = Coarse, Thick
Grumo = Lump, Clot
Grupos = Clusters
Guante de horno = Oven Glove
Guarnición (comida) = Accompaniment (food), Garnish
Guayaba = Guava
Guinda = Morello Cherr
Guisante = Bean, Pea
Guisar = to Stew
Guiso = Stew, Casserole
Gula = Greed
Gusto = Taste
Gustoso = Tasty

Habas = Broad Beans
Habichuelas = Green Beans
Hambre = Hunger
Hambriento = Starving
Hamburguesa = Hamburger, Beefburger
Harina = Flour, Meal
Harina común = All purpose Flour
Harina de Avena = Oatmeal
Harina de maíz = Corn Flour, Corn Meal
Harina de trigo = Wheat Flour
Harina integral = Whole Wheat Flour
Harina leudante = Self-raising Flour
Haya (madera de,) = Beech (wood)
Hecho en casa = Home made
Heladera = Fridge, ice box, refrigerator
Helado (frío) = Iced
Helado (crema helada) = Ice Cream,  Sorbet
Helado con Frutas y Nueces = Sundae
Helecho = Fern, Bracken
Hervido = Boiled, Scalded
Hervido ( para pescado ) = Poached
Hervir = to Boil
Hervir por poco tiempo = to Blanch, to Scald
Hielo = Ice
Hierba = Grass
Hierbas aromáticas = Herbs
Hierbabuena (especia) = Mint (spice)
Hígado = Liver
Higo = Fig
Hilbe (o fenugreek) = Yemenite spice
Hilo bramante = Twine
Hinojo = Fennel
Hogaza = Large Loaf
Hoja = Foil, Leaf
Hoja (del cuchillo) = Blade
Hojaldrado = Flakiness
Hojaldre = puff Pastry, flaky Pastry
Hoja de Parra = Grape-wine plant Leaf
Hojas de Sasafrás (especia) = Filé (spice)
Hojuela = Pancacke
Hollín = Soot
Hongo = Mushroom, Mold, Fungus
Hornalla = Stove
Horneable = Ovenproof
Hornear = to Bake
Horno = Oven, Furnace
Horno de microondas = Microwave Oven
Hortalizas = Vegetables
Hueco = Gap
Huerta = Truck Farm
Huerto de Frutales = Orchard
Huerto de Hortalizas = Vegetable Garden
Hueso = Bone
Huevas de pescado = Roe, Spawn
Huevera = Egg Cup
Huevos cocido a fuego lento = Coddled Eggs
Huevo duro = Hard-boiled Egg
Huevos fritos = Fried Eggs
Huevo pasado por agua = Soft-boiled Egg
Huevo poché = Poached Egg
Huevos = Eggs
Huevos revueltos = Scrambled Eggs
Húmedo = Moist, Damp, Humid, Wet
Humo = Smoke
Humus = Humus

Impalpable = Impalpable
Impermeable = Waterproof
Impregnar = to Soak, to Impregnate
Incomible = Inedible
Incubar = to Hatch
Indigerible = Indigestible
Infusión = Infusion
Ingerir = to Ingest
Inmaduro = Unripe
Inoxidable = Stainless
Insípido = Dull, Insipid
Insoluble = Insoluble
Insulso = Insipid, Anodyne
Integral = Wholemeal (p/pan o pastas)
Intestino = Gut
Invernadero = Greenhouse
Irradiar (sentimiento) = to Ooze
Jalea = Jelly, Jello
Jamón = Ham
Jamón cocido = Boiled ham
Jamón crudo = cured ham
Jarabe = Syrup
Jarra = Jar, Jug, Carafe
Jarra de Leche = Milk Jug
Jarro = Can, Mug
Jefe de Cocina = Chef
Jengibre (especia) = Ginger (spice)
Jerez = Sherry
Jibia = Cuttlefifh
Jrein = Horseradish
Jugo = Juice
Jugoso = Juicy
Juliana, cortado en = Julienned
Jurel (pez) = Horse Mackerel
Kaki = Kaki
Kasha (trigo sarraceno) = Buckwheat
Kebab = Kebab
Kinoto = Kumquat
Kiwi = Kiwi
Kneidel, kneidlaj = Dumplings
Kummel (especia) = Caraway seeds (spice)
Lactosa = Milk Sugar
Lámina = Foil
Laminilla = Sliver
Langosta (crustáceo) = Lobster (crustacean)
Langostinos (crustáceos) = King Prawns (large shrimps)
Lasaña = Lasagna
Laurel (hojas de) (especia) = Bay leaves, Daphne leaves
Lata (envase) = Canister, can, tin
Lavanda = Lavender
Lavandina = Bleach
Lavaplatos = Dishwasher
Leche = Milk
Leche chocolatada = Chocolate milk
Leche cortada (suero de leche) = Buttermilk
Leche descremada = Skim milk
Lechera = Milk churn, milkpot
Lechería = Dairy
Lechero = Milkman
Lechon = Sucking pig
Lechuga = Lettuce
Lechuga flamenca = Cabbage-lettuce
Lechuga romana = Romaine
Legumbre = Legume, vegetable
Lejía = Bleach
Lengua = Tongue
Lenguado (pez) = Sole, flounder (fish)
Lenteja = Lentil
Leudar = to Leaven
Levadura = Yeast, Leaven
Levadura en polvo = Baking powder
Libre de Grasas = Fat Free
Librillo (de vaca) = Bible (of cow)
Licor = Liqueur
Licuado = Blended juice
Licuadora = Blender
Licuar = Liquefy
Liebre = Hare
Lima (especie de limón) = Lime
Limón = Lemon
Limonada = Lemonade
Limpiar = to Clean, to mop, to wipe
Limpieza = Mopping, Cleaning
Limpio = Clean
Linaza = Linseed
Lino = Flax, Linseed
Lípido = Lipid
Líquido = Liquid
Liso = Smooth
Local de Alimentos Selectos = Deli
Lomo a la placha = Grilled sirloin  (tendreloin) steak
Lomo de cerdo = Loin, loin of pork
Lomo de ternera = Sirloin
Lomo de vaca = Tenderloin
Lona = Canvas
Lonja = Slice
Lubina ó róbalo (pez) = Bass (fish)
Lúpulo = Hops
Macarones = Macaroni
Macerar = to Tenderize, to Marinade, to Macerate
Machacar = to Crush
Macho cabrío = Buck, Billy Goat
Macis (especia) = Mace (spice)
Madera de frutal = Fruitwood
Maduro = Ripe, mellow
Magdalenas = Muffins
Magret de Pato = Magret of Duck
Magro = Lean
Magullados = Bruised
Maicena (almidón de maíz) = Cornstarch, Cornmeal
Maíz = Maize, Corn
Malta = Malt
Maleza = Weeds
Malta = Malt
Malvavisco = Marshmallow
Mamón (fruto) = Mamon (fruit)
Mamón (animal) = Suckling (animal)
Mandarina = Tangerine
Mandioca = Manioc, cassava
Manga para decorar  =  Pastry bag
Mango (del cuchillo) = Handle
Mango (fruto) = Mango (fruit)
Maníes = Peanuts
Manjar = Delicity
Mano del mortero = Pestle
Manojo = Bunch
Manteca = Butter
Manteca de maní = Peanut butter
Mantel = Tablecloth
Mantequilla = Butter
Manzanilla (especia) = Camomile (spice)
Manzana = Apple
Maracuya = Passion fruit
Marcar = to Score
Marchitarse = Wilted up, to Shrivel
Margarina = Margarine
Marinado = Marinated
Marinar = to Marinate
Mariscos = Shellfish, seafood
Marmita = Stockpot, cooking pot
Marrano = Pig
Marrón = Brown
Marron glacé = Marron glace
Marron rojizo = Russet
Marucha (de vaca) = Oyster Blade (meat)
Masa = Paste, dough
Masa hojaldrada = Puff pastry
Masa pastelera = Pastry
Mascar = to Crunch, to Chew, to Munch
Mascarpone (queso) = Mascarpone cheese
Masita = Biscuit
Mas o menos = Roughly
Masticable = Chewy
Masticar = to Crunch, to Chew
Mata = Tuft
Matadero = Slaughterhouse
Matambre = Strippings (meat)
Matambre = Muscle cutaneous trunci
Matanza = Carnage, Slaughter
Matarife = Slaughterman
Mate = Maté
Materia Prima = Feedstock
Mayonesa = Mayonnaise,”mayo”
Mazapán = Marzipan
Mazorca de maíz = Corn Cob
Mechar = to Lard, larder
Medallones = Turnedos
Medialuna = Croissant
Medio cocido = Coddle
Medusa = Jelly fish
Mejillones (molusco) = Mussels (mollusk)
Mejorana (especia) = Marjoram(spice)
Melaza = Molasses
Melocotón = Peach
Melón = Melon
Melón Cantalupe = Cantaloupe
Melón Rocío de miel = Honeydew
Membrillo = Quince
Menjunje = Concoction, Mishmash
Menta (especia) = Mint (spice)
Menudos de ave = Giblets
Meollo = Core
Mercado = Market
Merengue = Meringue
Merienda = Tea
Merienda ligera = Snack
Merluza (pez) = Hake (fish)
Mermelada = Jam
Mermelada (de cítricos) = Marmalade
Mero (pez) = Halibut, grouper (fish)
Mesa = Table
Mesero = Waiter (fem.: Waitress)
Meter = to Stick
Mezcla = Blend, Admixture, Mixture
Mezcla batida = Batter
Mezclar = to Blend, to Mix, to Toss
Miel = Honey
Migas = Crumbs, Breadcrumbs
Mijo = Millet
Milanesa =  Cutlet, Shnitzel
Minestrone = Minestrone
Mirasol = Sunflower
Moho = Mold, Mildew
Mojado = Soggy, Wet
Mojar = to Mop, to Wet
Molde = Mould
Moldear = to Mould
Molde para horno = Ramekin
Molde para tortas = Baking tin
Moler = to Grind
Molido = Ground, Flaked, Milled
Molino = Mill
Mollejas = Sweetbread, Gizzard
Moluscos = Mollusks
Mondado = Pared
Mondar = to Peel
Mondongo = Tripe, Innards
Mora, zarzamora = Blackberry,  Mulberry
Morera = Mulberry
Morcilla = Black pork sausage, Blood sausage
Mordisco = Bite
«Morfi» = Grub
Morrones = Peppers, sweet peppers
Mortadela = Mortadella
Mortero = Mortar (for grinding)
Mostaza (especia) = Mustard (spice)
Mostrador de Comidas = Buffet
Mousse = Mousse
Mozo de bar = Barman, Bartender, Waiter (fem.:waitress)
Muselina = Muslin
Muslo de ave = Drumstick, Thigh
Muzzarella = Mozzarella
Nabo = Turnip
Nabo repollo = Turnip cabbage
Nabo repollo = Kohlrabi
Nabos rutabagas = Swedes
Nadería = Trifle
Nalga (de vaca) = Topside/inside (meat)
Naranja = Orange
Nata = Cream
Natillas = Custard
Necesita = Calls for…
Néctar = Nectar
Nectarina = Nectarine
Negritos = Brownies
Nevera = Refrigerator, Ice box, Fridge
Níspero = Medlar
Nogal americano = Hickory, Walnut tree
No salado = Unsalted
Novillo = young Bull (or Cow)
Nudillo = Knuckle
Nueces = Walnuts, Nuts
Nueces de Cajú = Cashew Nuts
Nuez = Nut
Nuez de quijada (vaca) = Jowl nuts (of cow)
Nuez moscada (especia) = Nutmeg (spice)
Nuez pecan = Pecan
Ñoquis = Gnocchi,  Dumplings
Oblea = Wafer
Oblicuo = Bias
Obturando = Clogging
Odre (de vino)= Wineskin
Ojeada = Peek
Oler = to Smell, to Sniff
Olfatear = to Sniff
Oliva = Olive
Olivo = Olive tree
Olmo = Elm Tree
Olor = Smell, Odor, Scent
Olor acre = Pungent odor
Olor a pescado = Fishy smell
Oloroso = Fragrant
Olla = Saucepan, Cooking pot
Olla = Stockpot
Olla a presión = Pressure cooker
Ombligo = Navel
Omnipresente = Obiquitous
Oporto (vino) = Port (wine)
Ordenar (poner orden) = to Arrange
Ordenar (pedir,encargar) = to Order
Ordeñar = to Milk
Orear = to Air
Orégano (especia) = Oregano (spice)
Orejón = Dried apricot or peach
Ossobuco = Shank bone
Ostrón = Scallop
Ostras = Oysters
Oveja = Sheep
Paella = Paella
Paellera = Paella pan
Pajita (para beber) = Drinking straw
Paleta (carne) = Shoulder (meat)
Palillero = Toothpick holder
Palillos chinos = Chopsticks
Pálido = Pale
Palmear = to Pat
Palmera = Palm tree, palm
Palmeritas = Heart shaped pastry
Palmitos = Heart of palms
Palo de amasar = Rolling pin
Paloma = Pigeon
Paloma blanca = Dove
Palometa (pez) = Pomfret (fish)
Palomita (carne) = Leg of beef (meat)
Palta = Avocado
Pan = Bread, loaf
Panadería = Bakehouse, bakery
Panadero = Baker
Panal = Honeycomb
Pan blanco = Loaf, white bread
Pan casero = Round loaf, round bread
Pan de forma = Sliced Bread, packed
Panceta = Bacon
Pancho = Hot Dog
Pancito = Bun, roll
Pancitos tipo inglés = Muffins
Pan de centeno = Rye bread
Pan de Viena = Bridge roll
Pan duro = Stale bread
Panecillo = Bun
Panera = Bread Basket
Pan francés = French loaf
Panificar = to Manufacture bread
Pan integral = Wholemeal bread
Pan lactal = Packed sliced bread
Pan negro = Brown bread
Panqueque = Pancake,  Hotcake
Pan rallado = Breadcrumbs
Panza = Belly
Papa dulce = Sweet potato
Papas = Potatos, spuds
Papafritas = Chips, potato crisps
Papafritas = French fries, potato chips
Papaya = Papaya
Papel de hornear = Parchment paper
Papilla = Mush
Páprika = Paprika
Par (pareja) = Couple
Parmesano = Parmesan
Parrilla = Broiler, grill, barbecue
Parrilla = Broiler pan, grill pan,  Gridiron
Parrillada = Mixed grill (of meat or fish)
Partidas en mitades = Halved
Partido en trocitos = Snipped
Partir con los Dientes = to Crunch
Pasapure = Potato Masher
Pasas de arándanos = Craisins
Pasas de Corinto = Currants
Pasas de Esmirna = Sultanas
Pasas de uva = Raisins
Pasta = Pasta
Pastel = Pie, pudding
Pastel de carne = Meatloaf
Pastel de carne picada = Mince pie
Pastelero = Cofectioner
Pastrom = Pastrami
Pataca = Jerusalem artichoke
Pata de animal = Leg, Shank (meat)
Pata de cordero = Leg of lamb
Pata de ternera = Veal shank
Pata de Vaca, Caballo = Hoof
Paté = Terrine, pâté
Paté-flan = Terrine
Pato = Duck
Pava ( hervidor) = Kettle
Pavo (ave) = Turkey, Gobbler
Pavo real = Peacock
Peceto  (carne) = Eyeround (meat)
Pecho  (carne) = Brisket, breast (meat)
Pechuga (carne) = Brisket, breast (meat)
Pechuga de Pollo = Chicken Breast
Pectina = Pectin
Pedazo = Chunk, Pierce, Bit
Pedir ( servicio) = to Order
Pejerrey (pez) = Atherine (fish)
Peladas = Shelled, hulled
Peladilla = Sugared Almond
Pelado = Pared
Peladura = Rind, Peeling
Pelar = to Pare, to Peel, to Pluck, to Skin
Pelón = Nectarine
Pelotas = Balls
Penacho = Tuft, Crest
Penca = Fleshy leaf
Pepa = Pip, Stone
Pepinito en vinagre = Gherkin
Pepinillo = Small cucumber
Pepino = Cucumber
Pepitas =  Seeds, Pips
Pequeño = Little
Pera = Pear
Perca (pez) = Bass, Perch (fish)
Perdiz = Partridge
Perejil = Parsley
Perforar = to Pierce, to Poke
Perfume = Scent
Perifolio = Chervil
Pernil ( de cerdo) = Haunch, ham (leg of pig)
Persistente = Lingering
Pesa = Weight
Pesar = to Weigh
Pescadería = Fish shop, fishmonger’s shop
Pescadero = Fishmonger
Pescadilla = Whiting (fish)
Pescado = Fish
Pescador = Fisherman
Pescados, plato de = Fish dishes
Pescuezo = Neck (of animal)
Pesto (salsa) = Pesto (sauce)
Pez = Fish
Pez espada (pez) = Swordfish (fish)
Pez Sierra = Sawfish
Pezuña = Hoof
Picada = Assortment of appetizers and titbits
Picadillo = Minced meat
Picados = Sliced, chopped
Picanha (de vaca) = Rump cap
Picante = Hot
Picar (romper) = to Mince, to chop, to shred
Picar (comer algo) = to Nibble
Picle = Relish, pickle
Piel = Skin, cuticle
Piel de la salchicha = Casings
Pimentero = Pepper pot
Pimentón = Paprika
Pimienta = Pepper
Pimienta de Cayena = Cayenne
Pimienta de Jamaica = Allspice
Pimienta en grano = Peppercorns
Pimienta Inglesa = Allspice
Pimienta Malagueta = Allspice, grains of paradise
Pimiento chile = Chili pepper
Pincelar = to Brush
Pinchar = to Poke
Pincho = Skewer
Piña = Pineapple
Piñones = Pine nuts, pine seeds
Pistacho = Pistachio (nut)
Pizca = Dash, bit, pinch
Pizza = Pizza
Plancha de asado (carne) = Plate (meat)
Plancha de bifes anchos = Roll (meat)
Plano = Shallow
Plátano = Banana, banana tree
Platito = Saucer
Plato = Dish, plate
Plato con comida = Dish
Plato hondo = Soup plate
Plato principal = Main course
Plegar = to Fold, to Tuck
Pletórico = Ooze, Oozing
Poción = Concoction
Poco = Bit, Little
Poco asado = Underdone, Rare
Podrido = Rotten, Addled
Polenta = Polenta
Pollo = Chicken
Pollo castrado = Capon
Polvo = Powder
Pomelo = Grapefruit
Ponche ( drink) = Punch
Ponchera = Punch bowl
Ponche de huevos = Eggnog
Poner la Mesa = to Set the Table
Poner orden = to Arrange
Poroto blanco = Lima Beans
Porotos = Beans
Porotos Alubias = Black eyed beans
Porotos de manteca = Butter beans
Postre = Desert
Postre de Frutas y Crema = Trifle
Praliné = Praline
Precalentar = to Preheat
Presa = Prey
Preservación = Preservation
Primer plato = Starter,  Entrée
Procesadora = Processor, Food Processor
Productos Lácteos = Dairy Products
Profiterol = Profiterole
Propina = Tip
Proteína = Protein
Proveedor = Caterer, Supplier
Provisión (almacén) = Store
Pudrir = to Root
Puerco = Pig, Swine (fem. Sow)
Puerro = Leek
Pulpa = Pulp, Flesh
Pulpo = Octopus
Punta = Tip
a Punto = Just right
Punto de fusión = Melting point
a Punto nieve = Stiff
Punzar = to Prick
Puré = Mash
Puro = Plain
Quemar = to Sear, to burn
Quesera = Cheese dish and cover
Queso = Cheese
Queso azul = Roquefort, blue cheese
Queso Blanco = Curd Cheese
Queso crema = Cream cheese
Queso de soja = Tofu
Queso Fontina = Cheese Fontina
Queso Gouda = Dutch Cheese
Queso gratinado = Cheese au gratin
Queso Mascarpone = Mascarpone cheese
Queso Roquefort = Blue cheese
Quijada (de vaca) = Jowl (meat), Jaw
Quina = Chinchona bark, Quinine
Quinoa = Quinoa
Quinta = Country House
Quiosco = Kiosk
Rabanito = Radish, wild radish
Rábano = Radish
Rábano picante = Horseradish
Rabas = Squid rings
Rabo = Tail
Racimo = Bunch, cluster
Radichio = Raddicchio
Ragú = Ragout
Raíz = Root
Rallador = Grater
Ralladura de cáscara de cítricos = Zest
Rallar = to Grate
Rallar grueso = to Shred
Ramas = Branches
Ramita = Twig
Ramito = Sprig
Ramo = Frond
Rana = Frog
Ráncio = Rancid
Ranurado = Slotted
Raro = Weird, Strange
Ras = Level with…
Rascado = Scraped, torn
Rasgado = Torn
Raspado = Scraped
Raspaduras = Scrapings
Ravioles = Ravioli
Raya (pez) = Skate, Ray (fish)
Raza = Breed
Rebalsar = to Overflow
Rebanada = Slice
Rebosado = Battered
Rebosante = Oozing
Rebosar = to Dredge, to Ooze, to Brim with
Rebosar = to Coat in flour,egg and bread crumbs
Receta = Recipe
Recetario = Cook book, Recipe Book
Recipiente = Vessel, Canister, Container
Recoger = to Reap, to Pick up
Recortar = to Trim, to Cut off, to Cut away
Recubrir = to Coat
Recubrimiento con azúcar impalpable = Frosting
Recurrir = to Appeal, to Resort to something
Red = Webbing, Net
Refractario = Heat-resistant
Refrescar= to Refresh
Refresco = Soft drink
Refrigerar = to Chill, to Refrigerate
Refrigerio = Snack, Refreshments
Refrito = Over fried
Regaliz = Liquorice
Regusto = Aftertaste
Rehogar = to Fry lightly, to Stir-Fry
Rejilla = Rack, Grid
Rejilla (de cocina) = Grill
Rejilla (de horno) = Gridiron
Rellenar = to Stuff, to fill
Relleno = Filling
Rellenos = Stuffed
Remojar = to Soak
Remolacha = Beet, beetroot
Remover = to Scoop, to Stir, to Toss
Repápalo  (panecillo)  = Bun
Repisa = Shelf
Repollitos de Bruselas = Brussels sprouts
Repollo = Cabbage
Repollo hojas rizadas = Kale
Repollo-nabo = Kohrabi
Repostero = Baker,  Refectioner
Requesón = Curd or cottage cheese
Requiere = Calls for…
Res = Beast, animal
Reses (ganado vacuno) = Cattle
Reserva = Reservation
Restaurant autoservicio = Automat
Restaurant pequeño = Bistro
Revolver = to Stir, to toss
Ricino = Castor Oil Plant
Rico = Tasty
Ricota (queso) = Ricotta cheese
Rígido = Stiff, Rigid
Riñon = Kidney
Riquísimo = Yummy
Ristra = String
Róbalo (pez) = Sea Bass (fish)
Roble = Oak
Rociar = to Sprinkle, to baste
Rocío de miel (melón) = Honeydew
Rodaballo (pez) = Turbot (fish)
Rodaja = Slice
Rodillo = Rolling pin
Romero (especia) = Rosemary (spice)
Romper = to Tear, to Break
Ron = Rum
Roquefort = Roquefort, blue cheese
Rosada  (pez) = Pink cusk-eel, kingclip, pink ling  (fish)
Rosbif = Roast beef
Rosquilla = Ring Doughnut
Rosquita = Pretzel
Roto = Torn
Roux = Base of sauce
Rúcula = Arugula, salad rocket
Rueda (carne) = Round (meat)
Ruibarbo = Rhubarb
Sábalo = Shad
Sabor = Taste, Flavour
Saborear = to Savour
Saborizante  Flavouring
Sabroso = Toothsome, Tasty, Flavorful, Savory
Sacacorchos = Corkscrew
Sacar = to Extract
Sacarina = Saccharine
Sacarosa = Sucrose
Sacudir = to Shake
Sal = Salt
Salado = Salty
Sal entrefina = Kosher salt
Salamandra = Salamander
Salame = Salami
Salazón = Salting
Salchicha = Sausage
Salchichón = Salami type sausage
Salcochar = to Boil in salt water
Salero = Salt Cellar, Salt Shaker
Salitre (nitrato de sodio) = Saltpetre
Salmón (pez) = Salmon (fish)
Salmón ahumado = Lox, smoked salmon
Salmonetes (pez) = Mullets (fish)
Salmón marinado = Gravadlax
Salmuera = Brine
Salobre = Salty
Salón de Té = Tearoom
Salpicar = to Drizzle, to Sprinkle, to Sizzle, to Spatter
Salpicar = to Splash, to splatter
Salpimentar = to Season with salt & pepper
Salsa = Sauce
Salsa, base de = Roux
Salsa Bechamel = White Sauce
Salsa Blanca = White Sauce
Salsa Bolognesa = Bolognese Sauce
Salsa Cebolla y tomates fritos = Sofrito
Salsa de Carne = Gravy
Salsa de Remojar = Dip
Salsa de soja (con trigo) = Soy Sauce, Tamari
Salsa de Soja (sin trigo) = Soy Sauce, Shoyu
Salsa de Tomate = Tomato Sauce
Salsa Golf = Russian dressing
Salsa Tártara = Tartar sauce
Salsera = Sauser, Gravy Boat, Sauce Boat
Saltear = to Sauté, to Stir-Fry
Salvado = Bran
Salvado de trigo = Wheat bran
Salvia (especia) = Sage (spice)
Sambayon = Sabayon
Samovar = Samovar
Sancochar = to Parboil
Sandía = Watermelon
Sandwich = Roll, sandwich
Sandwich de salchicha = Hot dog
Sangre = Blood
Sangría = Sangria, Beverage
Sardina = Sardine
Sardinas ahumadas = Spats
Sartén = Skillet, Frying Pan, Fryer
Sartén china = Wok
Sasafrás, hojas de = Filé
Sazonar = to Season
Sazonado = Spicy
Sebo = Grease, Suet, Tallow
Secado al sol = Sundried
Secar = to Wilt, to dry
Seco = Dry
Sed = Thirst
Seda = Silk
Seductor = Alluring
Sembrar = to Sow
Semilla = Seed, pip
Semilla de amapola (especia) = Poppy seed (spice)
Sémola = Semolina
Separar = to Pry of, to Separate
Sepia (pez) = Cuttlefish
Servicio de Mesa = Dinner Service
Servicio de Mesa =  Tableware
Servilleta = Napkin, serviette
Servilletero = Napkin ring
Servir = to Dish Up
Sésamo (especia) = Sesame (spice)
Sesgado = Biased, Slanted
Sesos = Brains
Setas ( hongos) = Mushrooms
Seto = Hedge
Seviche = Raw fish marinated in lemon
Sibarita = Epicurean
Sidra = Cider
Siembra = Sowing
Sifón = Siphon, Sodawater
Silvestre = Wild
Simiente = Seed
Sin Sal = Salt Free
Sin semillas = Pipped, Seedless
Sirope = Syrup
Soasar = to Roast lightly
Sobadora = Bread kneading machine
Sobar = to Knead
Soberbios = Scrumptious
Sobrepuesto = Overlapping
Sobresalir = to Standout
Soda = Soda water,Gaseosa
Sofreir = to Fry lightly
Soja = Soy, soybean
Solomillo = Loin, Chine, Sirloin, Tenderloin
Sopa = Soup,  Broth
Sopa crema de mariscos = Bisque
Sopa espesa = Gumbo, chowder
Sopa de pescado = Bisque
Sopa Inglesa = Trifle
Sopera = Tureen, soup tureen
Sorbete = Ice Cream, Sorbet
Sorber = to Sip
Sorgo = Sorghum
Soso = Bland, dull, insipid
Sótano = Cellar
Suave = Smooth, Bland, Soft, Mild
Subproducto = By Product
Succionar = to Suck
Suculento = Succulent, Tasty
Sucio = Dirty
Suero de leche = Buttermilk, Whey
Suflé = Soufflé
Sujetar = to Skewer
Sumergir = to Dip
Suprema de pollo = Chicken shnitzel
Surtir = to Suply
Surubí (pez) = Large catfish (fish)
Swedes = Rutabagas (swedes)
Taberna = Bar room, Tavern, Inn
Tabla de cocina = Cutting board
Tabla de picar = Chopping board
Tabla para el queso = Cheeseboard
Tableta de chocolate = Chocolate bar
Tajada = Slice
Tajar = to Cut, to Slice up
Tajear = to Slash
Tallarines = Noodles, Tagliatelle
Tallo = Stalk, stem
Tamarindo = Tamarind
Tambo = Dairy Farm
Tamiz = Sieve, sifter
Tamizar = to Sift, to sieve, to screen
Tapa = Lid
Tapa de asado = Round of beef, brisket
Tapa de cuadril = Rump cap
Tapando = Clogging
Tapioca = Tapioca
Tapón = Stopper
Tara = Tare
Tarar = to Tare
Tarro = Jar
Tarta = Pie, Cake
Tarta de Crema = Custard Pie
Tarta de frutas = Shortcake
Tarteleta = Tartlet
Tartera = Earthenware baking dish
Tasajo = Jerked beef, jerky
Taza = Cup
Taza con pico = Beaker
Taza de Té = Teacup
Taza grande = Mug
Tazón = Bowl
Té = Tea
Té de Bergamota = Earl Grey Tea
Tejido = Webbing
Tembloroso = Quivery, shivery
Templado = Tepid, Warm
Tendones = Tendons
Tenedor = Fork
Tenedor para pescado = Fish fork
Teñir = to Dye
Terminado = Donennes, Finished
Termo = Thermos, Flask
Ternera (carne de) = Veal, calf (meat)
Ternero (animal ) = Calf
Terrón = Lump
Tetera = Teapot
Textura = Texture
Tibia (hueso) = Shin Bone
Tibio = Tepid, LukewarmTienda = Store
Tierno = Tender
Tijeras = Scissors
Tira de asado (carne) = Short ribs (meat)
Tinte = Dye
Tisana = Infusion, Tisane, Herbal Tea
Tocino ahumado = Bacon
Tofu = Beancurd, Tofu
Tomates = Tomatoes
Tomillo (especia) = Thyme  (spice)
Tonel = Cask
Toro = Bull, bullock
Torrar = to Roast
Torta = Cake
Torta de chocolate = Chocolate cake
Torta de Chocolate y Nueces = Brownies
Torta de manzana = Apple pie
Tortera desarmable = Springform pan
Tortilla = Omelette, pancake
Tortuga (de agua) = Turtle
Tortuga (de tierra) = Tortoise
Tortuguita (de vaca) = Heel (meat)
Tostada = Toast
Tostadas de pan de forma = Crumpets
Tostado  = Toasted Sandwich
Tostar = to Roast, to Toast
Tragar = to Gobble, to Swallow
Trago = Swig
Tragos = Drinks
Trapo para secar platos = Dishcloth, Dish  Towel
Trasegar = to Decant
Trebol = Clover
Trigo = Wheat
Trigo Candeal = Bread  or White Wheat
Trigo sarraceno (Kasha) = Buckwheat
Trinchante = Serving or meat fork
Trinchar = to Carve
Tripa = Gut
Trípode = Trivet, Tripod
Trituradas = Chopped, Crushed
Trituradora = Grinder
Trocear = to Cut up into pieces
Trocitos = Nuggets
Trozo = Slice,Strip, Chip
Trozo = Chunk, Lump, Chop
Trozo en forma de cuña = Wedge
Trucha (pez) = Trout (fish)
Trufas = Truffles
Tubérculo = Root vegetable
Tuco = Tomato sauce
Tuétano = Marrow
Turrón = Nougat
Ubre = Udder
Ultracongelado = Deep Frozen
Unir con huevo, grasa o líquido = to Bind
Untable = Spreadable
Untado = Smeared
Untar = to Smear, to Spread
Unto = Ointment
Uña = Nail
Uvas = Grapes
Vaca = Cow
Vaca (carne de) = Beef
Vacío (de vaca) = Flank (meat), Flank Steak
Vacuno (ganado) = Bovine, Cattle
Vaina = Pod
Vainillas (galleta) = Lady fingers
Vainilla (especia) = Vanilla
Vajilla = China
Vapor = Vapour
Vaquillona =Young Bull,  Heifer
Vasija de barro cocido = Crockpot, Earthware  Vessel
VesselVaso = Glass
Vegetales = Vegetables
Vegetariano = Vegetarian, Vegan
Vela = Candle
Venado (animal) = Deer, Stag
Venado (carne de) = Venison
Vendimia = Grape Harvest
Verbena = Verbena
Verdeo,cebolla de = Spring onion
Verdulero = Greengrocer
Verduras = «Veggies»
Verduras = Vegetables, greens
Verduras de hoja = Lefy stuff
Vianda = Viands, Food, Meal, Lunchbox
Vieira (pez) = Scallop (fish)
Vientre = Belly, Stomach
Vinagre = Vinegar
Vinagre de alcohol = White Vinegar
Vinagreta = Vinaigrette sauce, French Dressing
Vino = Wine
Viña = Vineyard
Viñedo = Vineyard
Vitamina = Vitamin
Visceras = Guts, Entrails
Víveres = Provisions, Food Supplies
W – X – Y – ZWafle = Waffle
Whisky = Whisky
Whisky Escoces = Scotch

Yacaré = Caymen
Yema de huevo = Egg yolk
Yemas = Yolks
Yogur = Yoghurt
Yuca = Manioc,  Cassava
Yuyo = Weed, Wild Herb
Zanahorias = Carrots
Zapallito = Squash, Courgette
Zapallito largo = Zucchini
Zapallo = Pumpkin
Zarzamora = Blackberry
Zatar (especia) = Arab-israeli spice mixture
Zumo = Juice
Publicado on May 31, 2012 at 6:00 pm  Comments (46)  

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